Tuesday 5 February 2013

I, Me and Myself = Arshpreet: My 'Soul Place'----SHIMLA

I, Me and Myself = Arshpreet: My 'Soul Place'----SHIMLA: 'Shimla' is the most beautiful place in this world for me. I have spent my 12 years schooling in one of the best school in Shimla.    I alw...

Monday 4 February 2013

My 'Soul Place'----SHIMLA

'Shimla' is the most beautiful place in this world for me. I have spent my 12 years schooling in one of the best school in Shimla.  I always wanted to live in Shimla. Till the time I was in Shimla I used to plan about my life in Shimla. There was something which had always fascinated me. I was desperate to study and settle down in this small town. The  twelve years of my studying days in Shimla were the best days of my life. More I use to think about that period of moving out of shimla after studies more I felt nostalgic . More I plan to return more I felt afraid.

Mother and her children
Farewell group
Mall Road
Shimla at night
Our hang out place at Mall Road
Sunset at Shimla

Love exists everywhere
My favorite Aloo Achaari...Missing it !

Jawaani Deewani----- this is how we spent our holidays

 If you ask me what's so special in Shimla???? I shall say......umnnnn..... so many things......

"There was a time. There was a world.  There was my ambition. There existed love.  There was a dream. There was a life."

During my course I divided my life in to different categories. As a student I studied for my course , sat in library , prepared notes. As a learner I read a hundred of books ( Mostly Fiction). As an aspirant i prepared hard for competitions. As a nature lover I romanced like a poet in 'pahodon ki wadiyon mein' :-). As a human being I enjoyed life with my friends and nature. As a revolutionary I followed the fire. 

The best thing about Shimla is that you are never alone. Even if you are physically alone,  solitude accompanies you. Nature invites you to explore it.  Weather allures you to be a part of it and I loved it all. I met some of the most interesting people during my schooling days.  The first one is the principal of my school and I call her 'MOTHER'  with whom I later shared a wonderful chemistry of mother and daughter and of principal and student.  She is and will be most beautiful woman in this world for me. I don't want to say much more about her cause words are too short to describe her nature. she is blissful. Then, there was Late Mrs. Jenny Rodriguez, my warden  who was as hard as iron, Most interesting Very spiritual.  Inspiring me at the same time confusing creature but nice. A bunch of female species but no one was of my kind. 

I miss Everything ! my school days, my friends, my mother, those chirpy bitches who use to creep during the matches, those chai ki kulad, the bun chhole's, the ridge-where we use to play hide and seek and especially Mall road where we use to throw stone at the couples having good time....so selfish! but yet so innocent !